For anyone that has experienced a summer in the Treasure Valley knows the air quality can go from good to moderate to very unhealthy in a blink of an eye. Yes, there is the usual tree and grass pollen that allergy and asthma sufferers have to deal with, but then you have to factor in the fire season. The only option for those afflicted with asthma and allergies is to stay indoors.
We’ve put together a few tips on making sure your home is allergen free and keep the suffering from symptoms down to a minimum.
Keeping Indoor Air Quality High
According to the Wall Street Journal, the average person spends about 17.9 hours a day at home (that does include sleeping). So when someone with asthma or allergies have to stay indoors, that amount of time increases. So where is the best place to start to make sure the air in your home is clean?
First, make sure your air ventilation filters are inspected and changed at least four times a year. More if the air quality index is perpetually in the unhealthy category.
Next, take a good look at your carpets in your home. Most people are unaware that carpets act like magnets for allergens. These allergens get trapped by the fibers in the carpet, so they stay around for a while.
Vacuuming vs. Professionally Cleaned Carpets
Did you know that studies have shown merely vacuuming your carpets throws the fine dust and germs back into the air in your home? Now don’t get us wrong, overall, vacuuming your carpets does get most of the dust, dirt, and allergens out of your home. So keep vacuuming at least once a week.
However, having your carpets professionally cleaned three to four time a year has been shown to significantly reduce the number of allergens in the home. The equipment that Bullseye carpet cleaners get the dust, germs, and allergens that vacuuming leaves behind, thus giving allergy and asthma sufferers a big sigh of relief.
Getting your carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned on a regular schedule will make dealing with the smoke, dust, and pollen the Treasure Valley throws at us each summer a little more bearable.
Are you looking for reliable carpet cleaners? Then look no further than the team at Bullseye Carpet Cleaning. We do carpet and upholstery cleaning the right way.